Tolerance has its place, of course. But if tolerance means to give up truth, not to say what you mean, because it could harm someone and it could make someone feel bad, then it is false tolerance. You are not on earth to have a good understanding with other human beings. It is nice to have it, but it is not necessary. Your job in life is to fulfil your mission, to spread truth on earth and to prepare for the life after life. May the world hate you or not. There is nothing bad about being hated. Being hated for truth is sweet, very sweet. Think of the great Greek philosopher Socrates. He died for truth, also he could have avoided to drink the mug of poison. But his love for truth was bigger than fear of death. What a great person!
A world community, where absolute values are given up, because of harmony and understanding of human beings, is a big lie. It would be better if the world lives in a permanent state of war, than giving up truth! This is a hard saying, I know, but it is rightful and therefore I do not fear to make it public. We see in our world too many compromises, too much of false tolerance. We have to change! And we have to change quickly! Otherwise we will end up in a world of outside peace, but inside terror.
Imagine a world, where people live like the old hippies thought: Love and peace and understanding, no hunger, no war, no terrorism. Again who could not want this? What an evil person someone must be not to love such a “paradise”? But what is the price for such a world? Ignorance of basic principles! It would mean giving up the absolute values, of truth! Such a world would be possible, but it would be an evil world inside, a world without real principles, a world without the complete guidance of the creator! It is a world that is very seductive, it looks so nice and seems to fulfil all the wishes of human beings. The heart of such a world is devilish, is governed by the Antichrist. But it would be too late for the people who glorify this world. The moment they find out what really is set up in the heart of such a world (evil), they are all going to lose their freedom and end up in the worst nightmare imaginable. Evil very often comes disguised by beautiful masks. Or as the old saying goes: The devil is dressed in an angel’s gown and is carrying a bible in his hand to approach a poor soul.
Beware of the nice one, of the people who demand tolerance, harmony, peace and understanding! They are people who want you to give up you character, to give up your (absolute) values. Truth is absolute and it is as hard as a diamond, nothing can split it off. Whoever wants to tell you about moral relativism, who wants to tell you that good and evil are relative and dependent on the situation or time, is not a friend of you, but someone who wants to take what is yours, like a thief in the night. Therefore the only thing, which really counts is: TRUTH, not tolerance! Let truth, and only truth, be your guiding light! That is the only way to end up at the place that is set up for you long before you where born.
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