It has been said, that at least two third of the net’s content consist of misinformation, propaganda und sex. For that is definitely true and complaints about such facts are all in vain, I am one of the strongest proponents of not falling into the trap of the illusion, that the world outside of you can be changed. Not at all. What makes me think about this anonymous writers is more of an academic interest, the need to know and to understand, an effect of my unsaturating curiosity. The phenomenon is well known, but only little studies are done on the subject. I remember in fall of 2008, when Jörg Haider, the politician of the Austrian right, died in a car accident, it became a very big story in Austria. The media and especially the net where filled with all kinds of propaganda and conversations of the lowest level imaginable. Most posts where worthless, either there was glorification or happiness about Mr. Haider’s death. The net turned into a bloody battle field. A well known psychiatrist wrote in a local newspaper about the kind of person that exists behind the anonymous posts and nicknames.
There was a study of a Swiss psychiatrist, who found out that the personality of the people who write very courageously and seem to have strong personas and opinions, own the complete opposite of these qualities in real life. The net seems to turn them around and under the secure cover of anonymity they pretend to be great and powerful people, they live the illusion in the webspace they do not dare to live in their real life. When I read this article, I discovered parallels to my personal experiences. Reading some homepages always made me ask, if the writer is serious or just writing fiction. Behind the outside appearance, there is shyness, anxiety and feelings of not being worthy and a strong lack of character. But most of all, such people feel a big amount of aggression inside themselves, which need to be expressed. For they do not dare to express aggression in there daily life, the web becomes a substitute, a “safe space”, where all the non-digested energies are thrown into. The anonymous writers crave for acknowledgement, for they believe there contributions have not been evaluated enough and the respect of the community is painfully missing. Of course the writers feel secure and do not believe in any negative consequences for themselves, otherwise such actions would not be possible. These people are cowards, they are what without any doubt can be called a narcissistic personality. But may be there is one good effect of these internet user’s activities. If they use the net for their expression of aggression, they do not act aggressively in the “real world”. As far as I remember that was the conclusion of the mentioned article.
Non the less, the internet shows a lot of what is really going on inside the human’s mind. It seams to me like a course in free association sometimes. Robert Greene writes in his “33 Strategies of War”, that it is fatal, that human beings of our times are trained for peace and not for reality, what is war. Hypocrisy and manipulation became very common, everybody is searching for the “trick” to get things done the way they like it. The surface is shining like gold, but the deep waters of character are highly intoxicated. Make people become emotional and you see through the vale of complacency presented to the world. Never overestimate the moral of people. The person who exposes him- or herself as highly moral, is oftentimes the complete opposite of being moral. We all know the false Phariserians, who shine outside and stink inside, without even knowing it; most of them really believe what they tell themselves. They are hypnotized by their own words and ideas and cannot see the truth. One part of their personality contradicts another one, without even recognizing it. A human person normally includes all kinds of contradictions. But if we are aware of ourselves, we see that different aspects of us (often appearing as different inner voices) have different positions toward the same thing. Goethe, the great German poet expressed this by saying: “there are two souls living in my chest”. But for luck I am quiet sure that nobody of my readers belongs into the category of this anonym writers. At least I hope so!
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