Monday, April 26, 2010

What is esotericism?

Last week I wrote about anthroposophy and Mr. Rudolf Steiner. As I told, the idea came into my mind by meeting an old friend of mine after many years within which we haven’t met. I did some research and found out about anthroposophy, which descended originally form theosophy, and its teachings. But what was even more important for me, was to take a close look at my fiend’s life. This was a true revelation! His life had turned into a chaos, since he began to become involved with anthroposophy. A once happy marriage was divorced, he doesn’t want to have any contact with his children any more, his money is gone (all to the society which he now serves) and he is living from public welfare. But what is most surprising it, that he does not see the reality of his life. According to his statements, he has risen very high on the ladder of spiritual levels and is about to become a masters. Therefore he has to avoid all people with “low” character, and most of the world would be to dirty for his “pure” thoughts. It would only take a short time from now and an uprising of the planet would take place, but only for the “chosen” one of course. Everybody else would be sent to lower levels of beings, for the world (which is considered a living being) would be taken to a higher (lighter) state of being (I somewhere heard the same nonsense from some 2012-the-end-of-the-world people).

I haven’t heart a bigger nonsense for many years. This reminds me of many people who are involved within the New-Age or Esotericism scene. They believe to come into contact with “higher” worlds or spheres. Well, from the scientific point of view such phenomenon are nonsense, may be some hallucinations, a case for psychiatrists and in worst case for mental institutions. But other religious traditions, especially Christian ones are aware of the existence of such “worlds”. For example, the Catholic Church is still education exorcists to free people from evil spirits. Whatever we think about such practises, one think that cannot be denied is the fact that people make experiences and that there are many ways by which such experiences can be made. Whoever meditates for a certain time will have experiences, which are not explainable by scientific ways. Even the most “reality”-orientated person cannot deny such experiences.

The word esotericism originates from the old Greek and means, hidden, secret, inside. It is the same as the Latin word occultism. But occultism has some negative connotations and most people interested in the “paranormal” or “supernormal” use esotericism for it sounds much more harmless and is more attractive. But the fact stays that it is the same. Esotericism cares for all things that cannot be perceived in the ordinary, sensual way, we live our daily life. Many people start esotericism, because they are disappointed by the experiences, which they made within their traditional religions (if they have any experiences there at all). They come into contact with the “supernatural” and this experience makes them believe. In contrary the traditional religions did not give them this experience and stay boring and old fashioned in their minds. Many think esotericism offers them the freedom they are searching for. Religion seems to be a way to rule people and take away their freedom. It is nothing to accuse people for, for the reign of humans brings slavery, but the reign of God makes you free. But people consider God being a bigger kind of human being. They have never understood God, they believe in the old point of view of the old polytheistic religions. Gods are a kind of superhuman, according to these traditions, they have bright characteristics and dark characteristics. If you see God as a superhuman with a good and a bad side you haven’t understood a think of the truth of Christendom.

It is true there is a world of God and there is a world of humans. And in between we find many spiritual phenomena with angels, demons, light-beings and the like. It is true, that they exist, they are no illusions. But one think is an illusion: To think that the spiritual world can bring salvation, you can never be free by caring for the spiritual world. God is much higher! And another thing: God is absolute, the spiritual world is a relative (good and evil) and it never serves mankind. There are a lot of lies, which have it’s origin within this spiritual world. The idea, that human beings have a divine potential or that human beings and god are the same. Esotericism thinks human beings can do things on their own if they follow certain rules. Truth is, that without God human beings are unable to help themselves. Nobody can find the way to God without the grace of God. God alone can do the revelation, whatever human beings do, they can never find it on their own (for example Buddhism thinks human beings have Buddha-nature, which is one of the big lies of Buddhism!).

In many of my next posts on this blog, I will explain more in detail the relationships between esotericism, religions and spiritual experiences.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

An unusual way of learning

Learning is one of the most important skills of our times. What we learn and what we have to learn during our lifetime changes where quickly. New inventions, ever changing circumstances demand a growing awareness and flexibility, not only in physical movement but even more in mental abilities. But even when things around us are changing, there are certain stable rocks that change very slowly if ever in our lifetime. One of such stable components is the way we learn. School normally suggests that there is a right way for learning, as well as there is a right way to do things. In effect, pupils and students are forced to accept a certain way of doing things, whether it applies to the individual personality or not. Whoever fits into the educational system will be promoted and probably get successful. But the ones who fail or have learning habits, who are very far away from what is called “normal” will get bigger problems, or in worst case, fail completely and are called dull or mentally underpriviledged. One indicator by which this can be seen, are the school marks. For good marks tell very little about the real abilities of children, but even more about the adaptability to the system. The more you conform, the better your marks will be. Smart pupils always knew that in order to get a good mark, it is not necessary to be enormously intelligent, but to impress the teacher, by telling him what he wants to hear.

This leads me to the question of the style of learning. Many people do not know their own style of learning or thoughts, and believe that it is not really necessary to find one’s way of learning things. School is over (for luck), they think, and the rest is a more or less successful struggle through life. I cannot agree to this and more and more people can’t because they feel the negative consequences of not knowing their one learning habits. So there are people who prefer reading things (reading types) or others, who do best, when they hear, what they have to learn (hearing types). These are the types, who will be most successful in the traditional school system. Then there are others special types of learners, like the one’s who have to read aloud or walk through a room by learning (like a lawyer before court). Some people have all kinds of rituals to promote their mental awareness and creativity. Think of poets like Friedrich v. Schiller (1759-1805) who had always old apples on his desk, while working or many artists who have their muse to inspire their mind to produce their most wonderful works of art.

I am sure that there are many other ways of learning, which are as individual, as there are personalities on earth. My personal way of learning is writing. I never learn better, than when writing about something. This blog is one way of doing so. Whenever I read or hear about something new, I sit down and write a few sentences about the topic. By doing so I recapitulate what I have got to know, I structure the lessons learnt and express myself. It took some time to find out, that this is the optimum of doing so for me. Until a few months ago, I was sure my way of learning would be walking through a room and recitate what I have to learn. It was a very well working way for me, which was successful for many years. But now I have found another and even better path to learn. It is not what will be accepted very well at school. I got to know that Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965), the famous British Prime Minister, did learn exactly the same way. Well if someone winning the Nobel Price for Literature was learning in that way, it may not be the worst choice for me also!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hero of the net – coward of real life

There is an interesting phenomenon which can be witnessed during surfing the internet, whether it is public newspapers, information guides, private blogs, online communities or worst of all, diverse kinds of forums. Obviously the persons behind the nicknames or the apparently anonymous posts, feel the strong urge to blurt out into the world his or her degenerated and highly unqualified thoughts. What I am referring to are the masses of anonymous writers that penetrate all areas of the World Wide Web and increase the amount of confusion, disinformation and entropy by which the average internet user is molested permanently.

It has been said, that at least two third of the net’s content consist of misinformation, propaganda und sex. For that is definitely true and complaints about such facts are all in vain, I am one of the strongest proponents of not falling into the trap of the illusion, that the world outside of you can be changed. Not at all. What makes me think about this anonymous writers is more of an academic interest, the need to know and to understand, an effect of my unsaturating curiosity. The phenomenon is well known, but only little studies are done on the subject. I remember in fall of 2008, when Jörg Haider, the politician of the Austrian right, died in a car accident, it became a very big story in Austria. The media and especially the net where filled with all kinds of propaganda and conversations of the lowest level imaginable. Most posts where worthless, either there was glorification or happiness about Mr. Haider’s death. The net turned into a bloody battle field. A well known psychiatrist wrote in a local newspaper about the kind of person that exists behind the anonymous posts and nicknames.

There was a study of a Swiss psychiatrist, who found out that the personality of the people who write very courageously and seem to have strong personas and opinions, own the complete opposite of these qualities in real life. The net seems to turn them around and under the secure cover of anonymity they pretend to be great and powerful people, they live the illusion in the webspace they do not dare to live in their real life. When I read this article, I discovered parallels to my personal experiences. Reading some homepages always made me ask, if the writer is serious or just writing fiction. Behind the outside appearance, there is shyness, anxiety and feelings of not being worthy and a strong lack of character. But most of all, such people feel a big amount of aggression inside themselves, which need to be expressed. For they do not dare to express aggression in there daily life, the web becomes a substitute, a “safe space”, where all the non-digested energies are thrown into. The anonymous writers crave for acknowledgement, for they believe there contributions have not been evaluated enough and the respect of the community is painfully missing. Of course the writers feel secure and do not believe in any negative consequences for themselves, otherwise such actions would not be possible. These people are cowards, they are what without any doubt can be called a narcissistic personality. But may be there is one good effect of these internet user’s activities. If they use the net for their expression of aggression, they do not act aggressively in the “real world”. As far as I remember that was the conclusion of the mentioned article.

Non the less, the internet shows a lot of what is really going on inside the human’s mind. It seams to me like a course in free association sometimes. Robert Greene writes in his “33 Strategies of War”, that it is fatal, that human beings of our times are trained for peace and not for reality, what is war. Hypocrisy and manipulation became very common, everybody is searching for the “trick” to get things done the way they like it. The surface is shining like gold, but the deep waters of character are highly intoxicated. Make people become emotional and you see through the vale of complacency presented to the world. Never overestimate the moral of people. The person who exposes him- or herself as highly moral, is oftentimes the complete opposite of being moral. We all know the false Phariserians, who shine outside and stink inside, without even knowing it; most of them really believe what they tell themselves. They are hypnotized by their own words and ideas and cannot see the truth. One part of their personality contradicts another one, without even recognizing it. A human person normally includes all kinds of contradictions. But if we are aware of ourselves, we see that different aspects of us (often appearing as different inner voices) have different positions toward the same thing. Goethe, the great German poet expressed this by saying: “there are two souls living in my chest”. But for luck I am quiet sure that nobody of my readers belongs into the category of this anonym writers. At least I hope so!