“Swordofmusashi” is only one of a variety of
different blogs which are run by me, many of them for serveral years. After a
lot of requests from readers, I decided to combine the different blogs and
bring them all together to one website. But there is more to it! The new site
is not a mere summary of the old contents, but a original new creation, in
increase in quantity, as well as in quality. This new site comes twofold: on
the one side there is the english version under the title “Freedom Power and
Wealth” on the onther side there is the German one “Freiheit Macht Erfüllung”. The
new website includes different articles, ebooks, audios, videos and
presentations, which are available for instant download.
I invite you all to use this new and unique offer to enter a new gateway
to freedom and success.
Yours Musashi