There is no correlation between positive thinking, optimism and success in any area of life, business or anywhere else! Books, DVD, seminars are a waste of time and money. Do not fall into that trap, do not think your imaginations and dreams in love will become true. It is for sure that they will not!
Optimistic people must be mistrusted, as well as you have to mistrust people who „listen to their guts“. Happy people are suspect people, illusionists who do not want to accept reality, which is everything else but beautiful, joyful oder fulfilling, but hard and bitter, a brutal struggle for survival. It is an insult to all the people who struggle every day to have something to eat, who cannot afford medication and support. It is immoral to be happy, a crime against humanity. We all should face the reality as it is and should not project our wishes onto the world, humiliating the people who are not well off, by telling them they should smile and take tings easy. What is behind optimism is normally a deception, people smile at each other not because they like each other, but because they want something from the other or even worse they are afraid and think if you are nice to others, they will be nice to you. That is a stupid advice brainless mothers give to their kids – shame on such mothers!
Beware of people who smile a lot or who laught all the time. Laughing makes you look like a fool, you do not look competent and most important of all: you lose your dignity! It is disgrace not only of your own person, but of all human beings, of mankind as a whole. Dignity should be peoples highest moral value, even higher than life itself. It is better to die than to live without honor. But who can be a person of honor, who smiles into your face lake a salesperson? The answer is obvious.
Happy people should be excluded form leadership in any area, business, politics and private affaires. Whoever takes leadership serious knows that it is a burden, a burden you have to hold selflessly for the people you lead, it is nothing to be happy about, nothing to smile. Look at your life, observe every area and you will find that it is far away from being perfect, there are unlimited errors everywhere. There is no person in the world who authentically could say that there where four perfect weeks in his life, not one!
The dark hours of life are the only precious ones. Your true self you only find, when there is no light any more. That you see, that the world is one big place of sin, of inferiority of all beings, especially of human beings. It ist he moment when you begin to see reality as it is, you notice that human nature is imperfect, sinful and as a result you become humble and stop believing that human life and human beings are good. That ist he moment you become the ultimate realist. Your Judgements improve, your mind gets clearer and cognitive processes improve as well.
Long live pessimism, for everything which can go wrong, will definitely go wrong (thank you Murphy’s law). So you better be prepared on bad things coming on expecting that your actions in live will go wrong. The whole universe is doomed to death, as the second law of thermodynamics shows us very clearly. Destruction, not construction will prevail in the end. You better ally with destruction, if you do not want to be on the loser’s side.
There are even whole countries who make being happy a political issue, who build up a pear pressure to be happy. Whoever is unhappy is an social outsider, is concidered weird and abnormal. The only thinking people, who still can your their reason, are the ones who hold on to pessimism, the only way of perceiving the world, which brings you into contact with reality. 100 percent reality, that ist he world in which we all should live. And a society must be strong enought to hold out the bitter truth, that life is no beautiful, that it is not joy and happyness, which is it’s sense. There is only one sense of life an that is shoulder your burden and fulfill your duty!
The big winner of life is death, not life! No matter how long you might struggle, how much you try to live a long live, you will surrender tot he eternal master, who always gets you in the end. Death is superior to live! The day you realize that this words are true and make them your mental bas of life, ist he day you start living in reality!