By science we see, that there are things outside of ourselves, things which exist independently from whatever we think about them. The laws of nature are not connection with our own mental state but are independent of it. The word is as it is, whether we like it, or accept it, or not. But although science has made tremendous progress and improved life of the people on planet earth, during the 20th century a new movement began to criticize science. Science is an authority, but not an authority of birth or position, but of knowledge and of reason. Therefore it is not arrogant of science to claim to be able to explain the world. But there is a group of people, rebelling against all kinds of authority, regardless of source, who live with the childish belief, that everything is possible. They think the limits of nature are not true, there would be a spiritual realm, in which everything goes. This is an infantile and immature point of view the belief in the magic of nature) and by the way most of these people are suffering from some kind of narcissism. It is the old illusion, which has already been described by Freud, of being almighty – a definite sign of not being adult.
What I am talking about is the movement which is known as the New (Dark) Age. An immature, uncritical – we can also call it dull and retarded – way of approaching life. What would not be a bad thing, for every society can hold out a few morons, but in the course of this movement we see an enormous decline of intellect and also of spirituality which lead to primitive forms of worship as for example the pagan (religion). This is a lose group of people without strong rules, structure and organization – just have a nice time and come together at magical places (like Stonehenge) and enjoy each others primitive infancy. It is more a kind of kindergarten for adults. They believe in stupid things like ghosts, the stars, angels, witchcraft and magic in common.
A reasonable society should only have cold contempt for people who engage in superstition, magic and illusions. Belief in magic is not only bad, it is an insult of mankind, something to be despises. In Britain for example paganism is the 6th largest of all religions in the country - a disgrace for a modern, secularized country. But it is the same in many western countries (whether Europe or America). We need a call to arms of all reasonable forces against such a decline of society caused by pagan people, who refuse to be adult. Times have come, when superstition should become banned from communities and especially of young children, who are indoctrinated by belief in magic and therefore must stay immature for the rest of their life, if not lucky circumstanced liberate them later in their lifes.
You have to make your choice. Either you stay a child for your whole life long or you enter the realm of adulthood by giving up all illusions and believe in magic. If you belief in angels, goblins, and the power of nature (for example by embracing a tree) you can also belief in Santa Claus, the Easter bunny or the tooth fairy. The difference is only the one is for adults and the other one for (so called) adults.