So, what do I mean with this? I bring it all down to the issue of sexuality. Nothing is more a sign of immorality than this one. Sex without purpose, just enjoyed for the feeling of itself, is the most disgusting thing ever done by perverted people, not even the criminal inhabitants of Sodoma and Gommorra (read the first book of Moses) where that immoral as human beings are today, and nobody deserves to face a better fate than to be destroy by fire from heaven, brimstone (which are probably nuclear bombs nowadays). There are ignorant people who think porn is ok, they think porn is consenting adults doing consenting things for consenting adults to watch. Nothing could be more bullshit! Fact is, porn has no positive effect, destroys human dignity, destroys relationships and human existences. I therefore call for abolishing porn and sexual images in all areas of life. For example, seeing a women in a bikini advertising for a new car. That is more of a reason not to buy that car than buying it. A company which is going down to the level of using sexy women to promote their product (a technical one) to make people buy it, is not worth to be considered good. So whatever company is using sex to make people buy their products ought not to be bought than to be bought. We need a complete new kind of thinking. Sex is bad in any other way they practised by a loving married couple and it is a disgrace to use it to sell things and whoever uses sex as a stimulation to sell should be pushed out of business, should be pushed out of the whole industry!
But now to the negative and disgusting effects of sex an pornography on the human mind. Porn creates an illusion, it makes people not live in reality but in a fantasy world. Men and women expect their partner to be like a porn star, what will never happen. Millions of marriages have been broken of that reason. In the US porn is becoming one of the main reasons for divorce. It destroys the healthy development of human sexuality in children. Do you really think a 14 year old will develop a healthy sexual relationship after seeing a naked women being penetrated by two men? – Of course not! Sex is one of the big problems of our society and we have much too much of it. The prude behaviour of former times is over but the pendulum has swung to far into the other direction – we need more regulations, we need more discipline! Human beings are not capable to regulate sex on their own, therefore we need strong regulations, for humans always tend to be immoral and perverted, because of their sinful nature. Sex always needs to be restricted for the happiness and prosperity of society. Since old times, every society knew that the less sex you have, the more pure you are, the higher the standing in society is. Do you want to have a president who is having sex every week? Of course not. Superiority has always been linked to control of sex and sexual feelings and thoughts. We have to go back to the roots of reason in sexual behaviour. Less is more! Even in the culture of the South Sea only the primitive low class women had a lot of sex all the time, but the nobility has always lived a chastise lifestyle. As the apostle Paul mentioned the role model of humans is to live a life without sex, but if you cannot control your sexual drive and have to reproduce, the second choice is to marry and than have sex for the purpose of having children.
But there is no doubt, that the most noble, the most spiritual, beings do not have any sex at all. Even the misguided Indian guru Osho said that no human being should have sex after the age of 42. I would go much further and said that human beings should not have any sex at all. No question, that any sexual act is shameful, even within marriage, especially masturbation is a sin and it is a deathly sin! Self-pollution is one of the most disgusting things imaginable, even worse than theft, if not murder. There has never been a generation which has been bombarded by porn as the one between 15 and 25 nowadays. The biggest group of porn consumers is between 12 and 17 and the pornographers know very well, these are the consumers of tomorrow. It leads to desensitization and inhumanity, human beings are considered as objects not as subjects as they are. Approximately 14000 Porn-movies are produced every year in San Fernando Valley every year (the porn-capital of the world). It cannot be controlled by human beings on their own, that is an illusion, most people, even women, who are a third of all consumers!, cannot control the urges and fall into the trap.
You must see the bigger pictures behind the whole thing. Porn is bad (100%), it is completely destructive, and enslaves people. Behind the whole industry there is the power of evil which is running earth since there earliest days, human nature is not good, and therefore we need the help of an outside power, on our own we are lost – lost completely. Therefore god in his almighty grace has granted us his help to overcome the world and not live from it anymore. Stop looking at naked human flesh, do not fall in love with the world, for there is nothing good here, and come to the real salvation! Stop being sexual, live chastise, do not practise sex any more and become holy and a good person! I wish you all to be well!